Saturday, August 06, 2005

CT Muslim March against terrorism and radical islam

The war against terror, which is really the war against radial Islam and their followers Islamasists, Muslims will have to stand up and denounce them. All American Imans need to issue Fatwa's that jihad is immoral and that suicide bombing is immoral even if it's against Israel. American Muslims must use the soap box and proclaim that America is an accepting nation where everyone has an equal chance to succeed or an equal chance to fail. We have rarely seen these demonstrations except maybe post-Operation Iraqi Freedom in Detroit. When American Muslim group leaders appear on TV they only talk about real or perceived discrimination towards Muslims and somehow they always manage to weave the Israeli and Palestinian conflict into the conversation.

In today's Hartford Courant an AP story ran about the yesterday's march at the Connecticut state capital denouncing terrorism. It was attended by 150 Pakistani and other Muslim Americans. They openly proclaimed their love for the US, they denounced terrorism and the Islamasists who have hijacked their religion.

One hundred fifty people is not many but hopefully it will start a trend and more marches, and bigger rallies, will follow across the nation. When that day comes, Isalmasists and terrorists will see the might of the USA and they will realize they have lost their jihad.


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