Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Stay Out Greenwich Point Beach

When Greenwich CT had to open their beaches to the public they had to quickly come up with a plan to keep the undesirables out. Going with the 'best defense is a good offense' strategy they concocted a two tier plan: first charge'em alot of money and two, if they have the money, make it a bureaucratic nightmare. The minimum cost for one person is $30 ($10 for a beach pass which must be purchased at town hall located several miles away and $20 for parking at the beach).

The Greenwich Times looked into the beach policy and discovered that the "Beach policy seems to keep outsiders out".
"We've had some grumbling, but usually we tell people how much it is and they come or they don't," said Craig Whitcomb, operations manager for the marine and facilities division of the parks department.
Sphere blog writer Tom Andersen, who also wrote a book on the Long Island Sound, questions whether Greenwich Point Beach is really all that special.

Take heed: Recently a 75 year old man dared to ride his bicycle into the park without paying the $10 fee. This dastardly criminal was apprehended by a police roadblock and issued a $92 ticket.


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