Saturday, December 03, 2005

China, Torture and Cadaver exhibit

China & Torture: The use of torture in China is widespread, and frequently carried out by police who exercised “wide discretion” to obtain confessions. Techniques such as beatings and sleep deprivation by police and other security authorities focused on “breaking the will” of individuals, thus creating a “general culture of fear”. Detainess were held under vaguely worded security laws and had poor legal protections. Furthermore, the majority of these detainees were ethnic minorities, political dissendents, religious activists and Falun Gong believers.

Cadaver Exhibit: According to the Institute for Plastination: "It is standard legal practice in both the United States and China that unclaimed or unidentified remains are made available for medical education, which is one of the key goals of our exhibition," he said. Thus the bodies in question are unclaimed or unidentified individuals from China and as such, neither the deceased nor their families consented to the use of the corpses in the exhibit.

Moral Outrage: China tortures & kills illegally held individuals. Their body is then plasticized and displaced in a for-profit exhibit currently touring the US.


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